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Lip aesthetics is one of the most preferred procedures of plastic surgery operations today. Lips may be congenitally misshapen, thin, or large and may lose their fullness over time. After lip aesthetic treatments, not only does the aesthetically look great but also the person’s mental recovery occurs, the person feels better. While people with thin and small lips prefer lip augmentation aesthetics; People who have larger lips than necessary may prefer lip reduction aesthetics.
You can reach our specialist physicians at 0212 481 22 88 – 0530 542 46 95 or click to make an appointment and get directions.
Lip aesthetics is one of the most preferred procedures in Istanbul. You have to be very meticulous when choosing the surgeon and clinic you want to have lip aesthetics, otherwise, you may have unnatural lips. For natural lip aesthetics, you should do meticulous research and know what you want and the result.
People with naturally thin and misshapen lips, people who want to have thick and full lips, and people who want to re-plump their lips that have lost their fullness can have lip aesthetics. Lip aesthetics is also preferred for lip reduction by people who have thicker than normal lips.
In addition, people who have part of their lips removed due to lip cancer can have new lips thanks to lip aesthetics. In this case, health is at the forefront rather than aesthetic appearance. In general, it is recommended to have lip aesthetics from the age of 18 when lip development is completed.
It is a very important step for the result of lip aesthetic surgery to analyze the characteristics of your lips together with your doctor before lip aesthetics and to determine the level of the procedure. Since it will directly affect the facial expression of the person, it should be analyzed as delicately as rhinoplasty. Thus, you will get the natural lips of your dreams.
Before the application; You should meet with your doctor about how your lips will look, your expectations, and the method to be applied.
Kalıcı dudak estetiği işlemi, cerrahi bir işlem olup kişinin durumuna ve isteğine bağlı olarak genel ya da lokal anestezi uy
Permanent lip aesthetics is a surgical procedure and is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the condition and desire of the person. It is the use of the person’s fat for filling purposes by surgically removing it. Since lip aesthetics made with filling materials must be repeated at least once a year, it is not a permanent procedure, but it is often used to plump and clarify the lip.
In aesthetic surgeries to be performed for prominent lips, it is taken inside with an incision made in the lip and the lip length can be shortened. While shortening processes can cause scars hidden under the nose, the incisions made inside the mouth are not obvious from the outside. The duration of the operation varies according to the procedure to be performed.
gulanarak yapılmaktadır. Kişinin kendi yağının cerrahi işlem ile alınarak dolgu amaçlı kullanılmasıdır. Dolgu malzemeleri ile yapılan dudak estetikleri yılda en az bir kere tekrarlanması gerektiğinden kalıcı bir işlem olmamakla beraber dudağı dolgunlaştırmak, belirginleştirmek için sıklıkla kullanılır.
Belirgin dudaklar için yapılacak estetik ameliyatlarda, dudak içerisinde yapılan kesi ile içeri alınır ve dudak boyu kısaltılabilir. Kısaltma işlemleri burun altında gizlenen izlere sebep olabilirken ağız içinden yapılan kesiler dışarıdan belli olmamaktadır. Yapılacak işleme göre ameliyat süresi değişiklik göstermektedir.
Swelling, edema, and redness may occur on the lips after lip aesthetic surgery. These conditions, which decrease in a week, completely pass within two weeks. Since cold and hot sensitivity will increase during the healing process, warm foods should be consumed and it is recommended to consume liquid foods with a straw. In addition, excessive laughing and facial expressions should be avoided. Complete recovery occurs within a few months.
We are always at your service with our specialist doctors for our valuable patients.
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Although it varies from person to person, pain, swelling, and edema may be experienced after lip aesthetics. It reduces pain by being supported with painkillers.
While there is no scar in procedures such as filling, there may be scars in procedures such as lip shortening and thickening, but over time, this scar takes the color of the skin and becomes indistinct.
You can return to work within two to three days after lip aesthetic surgery.
It is determined after examination by the doctor depending on the method to be applied and the lip structure. You can contact us to get more detailed information.